Saturday, October 22, 2011

On a new voyage!

There is no doubt in my heart that a positive outlook to any and everything - big or small - works wonders. I am reassured every time. I try to keep an optimistic attitude, I feel I achieve it, I don't know if others feel so about me.

So as I was ready to join my new company, I realised that I wasn't nervous at all, like *at all*. I was excited to start afresh, thinking about the change and the new-ness in life. As I entered the new office early morning, there were only three people in. As I looked around the office, it was not very formal, which I liked. There are no cubicles, just desks - like study desks. And I started liking the place instantly. While I was dressed in semi-formals, there just was no dress code as such! 

All through the day, there was music playing. And *all* of them were my favourite tracks! And my favourite part is that there are laughs all around during the day. Gosh! It's like a sign,  a sign that I am at the right place. I like the chilled out ambience, and for a person like me what matters at work (apart from the money) is people and the environment. My colleagues welcomed me with such warmth, that I did not feel it's my first day. It was so usual that I couldn't believe it's my first day as well! I got a name on the first day itself by a colleague since he thought I am a Bengali! 

There's something different about creative spaces. The chilled out atmosphere here is amazing. I am basically liking everything about the new job. And don't be surprised if you find me smiling all through here :) The optimism that I had in my heart while starting this new journey has brought me happiness :)